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Spike has been feeling lonely lately. Everyday he watches Twilight go off and have fun with her friends while he does the same thing: clean, and do chores. His luck seems to change though when he and Twilight find a flyer for a circus. With Twilight's friends, Spike goes to the circus with them. At the circus, Spike meets and befriends the circus performers and show him true love and friendship. Tired of being left out or not being loved by the others, Spike decides to leave Twilight and the others for his new friends. Will they get the baby dragon back?

Do note this was written originally on my DeviantART account and came out before season 2 of Friendship is Magic. This was my first fic as well so I know I won't accept a lot of praise or anything here. I do appreciate you all reading it though.

I don't own these characters, they are the property of Hasbro and Lauren Faust. OC ponies and story are mine.

Cover art image is done by BlackGryph0n on DeviantART

Chapters (6)

When Rainbow Dash is in need of studying for a big test in order to stay in the Wonderbolts, Twilight offers to help her without hesitation. Until they find themselves sleeping on each other the next morning. How will they react to this?

Inspired by an episode from the famous sitcom Friends. Sex tag for innuendos.

Chapter 1 now has a dramatic reading! Thank you to StraightToThePointStudio for reading my story! Check it out here: Napping Buddies

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is fine, despite what her friends think. There's nothing wrong. She's just tired, that's all.

Pre-Read and edited by Rimmer.
Cover art edited by ModMCdl. Frankly I don't deserve either of them but here we are. (Original image by Arkwys)

Now available in audio format thanks to The Mystery Fluttershy Fan, available on their youtube channel here!
A reading also available from Reaper Prince of Light, which can be found on their youtube channel here!

Chapters (1)

In the ancient past, when the world struggled to recover from the Reign of Discord, the lands that would become Equestria were in ruin. Tyrants, monsters, and warlords had risen, promising order in their petty domains but delivering brutality. One such domain was the Alicorn Supremacy, an oppressive regime whose subjects languished under a ruling class entirely of alicorns led by the self-proclaimed Suzerain Supreme Opaline Arcana.

War would soon come to the Alicorn Supremacy, as the neighbouring realm of Equestria under the leadership of the peacemaker Celestia and the warrior Luna resolved to end its tyrannical rule. The bloody conflict between the two realms raged for years, with the Equestrians making definite, costly progress. Yet with Equestrian victory imminent, Equestria's two leaders were divided on what to do with the defeated tyrant.

Over a thousand years later, Equestria was ruled solely by the younger sister, known then as Empress Nightmare Moon. Her forces stood triumphant and resistance to her rule was systematically crushed with an iron hoof. With victory over the scattered Celestials practically assured, Nightmare Moon learns that Opaline Arcana still lives, and may pose a threat to her burgeoning Empire. But as Nightmare Moon goes to correct her mistake, she finds herself facing not only her old foe but a truth impossible to accept.

Takes place in my New Lunar Millennium alternate universe. More information can be found here, but no prior knowledge of my AU is required to read this story.

Proofread and edited by Izzy Incraft and Ebonyglow.

Chapters (2)

A series of song-prompt based short stories featuring the romantic relationship between Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash. Each story will be no more than ~1,000 words.

The theme/mood/atmosphere of every chapter is influenced by the song prompt chosen.

All credit goes to the artists who wrote and performed the amazing songs that will be used at some point in this collection of stories. If you want to see a specific song used as a prompt, I'm open to any and all suggestions!

Wanna check out another song-inspired TwiDash collection? Yes? Thought so. I give you ssjgokillo's The TwiDash Playlist!

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Spark Visions of Twilight

Before a story starts, characters move into position.

Before events get set in motion, there are reasons they're set in place.

Before destiny calls, ponies simply live their lives.


((These are six short stories about the mane six's lives before Spark Visions of Twilight began.
Though these are technically prequel stories, it is advised to read the main story first. This is simply to flesh out the backgrounds of the main characters a bit more.

Cover art is the Print Version cover of Spark Visions of Twilight and is made by https://goombot.tumblr.com/))

Chapters (6)

It's just another average day for Rarity, stressing out about deadlines. Sweetie Belle wants nothing more than to help her big sister, but when a bit of magic goes astray, and Rarity becomes tiny, she'll have to think quickly or else she miss the deadline, and she cannot miss this opportunity! It might be her one and only chance to impress the stallions and mares of Fillydephia.

Edited by the talented: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/302785/LunaFan183

FEATURED! Not certain on the date, sometime in April shortly after publication. Thank you every pony.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow thought that preforming at the wedding of a Princess and a Guard Captain would, honestly, be pretty cool. Even if the Groom hadn't been Twilight's brother.
Strange, how eavesdropping and a chance encounter can change her mind so quickly.

A rewritten version of A Canterlot Wedding Pt. 1, experimenting with adding a scene and a half to change the narrative.

Part of the Rewritten Project
Part of the Cornerverse-MLP Universe
Rated Teen for swearing, innuendo, and certain dark implications.

Chapters (1)

I was reluctant to upload this for a long time since it is a very rushed story and in my opinion not very good. It is, however, the only piece I've written that inspired fanart (multiples, in fact), and so I figured, why not?

Enjoy if you can. I won't blame you if you hate it though.

Original Here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qpJFUx-_SzDKEy7Ds7RHC-U92M-dWtkT_HgpMLRz-D0/edit#

Chapters (1)